Saturday, February 24, 2007

First Canvas

My friend Pam started me on needlepoint. I used to knit - though I have nothing to prove for it, as I gave all my project away, except a lovely unfinished cabled afghan. I sewed many clothes for my kids, including really cute Halloween costumes. I cross-stitched for an intense period, ending just after the Christmas when I made a counted cross stitch gift for each member of church choir I was directing at the time! I've made quilts: for my daughter, friends' babies, and one yet unfinished one for myself.

It was the summer my dad was ailing. He broke his hip. When they tried to get him up following the surgery to repair it, his heart stopped. Weak as he was, that was not much of a gift to him. His health declined over the next 6 months until his death in October.

When he "coded", I made a quick trip to Charleston, fearing he might not know me in this life again. While I was there, I had a stroke - could not speak properly, very little sensation and virtually no control of my right hand and arm, though fortunately, no paralysis.

During my recovery, Pam bought me this lovely piece, and some wonderful fibers to stitch it with - Silk and Ivory was my favorite. It was still a challenge for me to wield the needle, but since I was heavily involved with relearning motor skills such as tooth-brushing, hair combing, buttering toast, etc, it was one more motor task to master. I worked on it intermittently for much of the summer. It took me quite a long time, considering how small the canvas was! I was thrilled to finish it.
Stitching has become such a necessary part of my life now that I cannot imagine being without some project!

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